We are deeply grateful to the following Wildflowers fellows for joining us on our journey to discover the unseen treasures of their community.

Wildflowers fellows (2000—Present)

Jah’Shams Abdul Mu’Min

Collins O. Airhihenbuwa

Tina Alejo

Semunesh Arega

Luis Avelar

Miguel Ayala

Orland Bishop

Derrick “Woody” Bitsie

George Bracey

Suzette Bridges

MC Canlas

Michelle Chao

Siu Han Cheung

Ben Davis

Maggie De Guzman

John Driscoll

Allen Ellison-Saavedra

Melanie Espinueva

Alleluia Panis

Daar Paydon

Maaza Essayas

Seng Kouay Fong

Maryanne Galindo

Jorge Garcia

Ermias Getachew

Fidel Gonzalez

James Gonzalez

Edward Jackson

Elsa Jacob

Jesse James Johnson

Stephanie Johnson

Lisa Juachon

Michelle Justice

Genevieve Lim

Lorenzo Listana

Andrea Lopez

Chansothearun Lopez

Marcelino Lopez

Bisola Marignay

Sewasew Meaza

Michael 360

Goro O. Mitchell

Edgar Mojica

Erik Monje

Krystal Monje

Laura Monje

Martha Monje

Pedro Monje-Robles

Myra Monje-Ruiz

Larry Moody

Elias Negash

Chanthanom Ounkeo

Mario Paz

Jose Quinonez

Michael Reichert

Jovencio Reyes

Mario Rodrigues

Katherine Von Rothschild

Chaylium Saechao

Kouichoy C. Saechao

Mey Chiem Saechao

Sheng Saechao

Julia Saelee

Muang Saephan

Kao Kae Saephanh

Moung Khoun Saetern

Leo O. Saephan

Yisehak Fikre Sellassie

Ramiro Serrano

Tan Eakapong Sirinumas

Heather Starnes

Melody Takata

Alyce Bezman Tarcher

Asqual Teferi

Paule-Marie Tenchavez

Jeri Tern

Nghia Tran

Winston Tseng

Mauro Tumbocon

Guillermo Vasquez

Jaime Viloria

Kathy Wolfe

Bak Fun Wong

Francis Wong

Pascual Yaxon

Winnie Yu

In Memoriam

Benjamin Ahmad

Everett Baldwin

Pablo Lopez

Connie Moy